Lina Review Blockchain Based Review Platform

A new patent or web that uses blockchain technology as a reference, but the effect of this platform will further clarify the nature of the blockchain technology itself. The platform is named LINA REVIEW based blockchain review platform created as a review service to help businesses, products and people build their own review systems. In many cases, many businesses today want their products and services easily evaluated and valued by customers, but they are not conscious to encourage consumer decision making so that consumers die, lina reviews are made to solve this problem, prioritizing the review system so the consumer is free to review a product or service. The more business reviews received, the more profits they get.
About Lina Review
Lina Review is the first platform in the world to review and classify, block chains using the block chain immortality to produce the best transparency and create conditions for reviewers to benefit by providing quality reviews, and interact easily with users and suppliers of products or services that are completely unsafe Lina is not just a site but a block-based platform, so everyone can build their own review system to grow the community of participants and manage their own business. All revision channels based on Lina are connected globally. is an ecosystem for viewers and references that professionals and companies worldwide can use with support and links through blockchain.
The backdrop of a product or service will demand more than 50% of consumers, if they are unsure of the information provided, which will result in blocking of purchases or cancellations for purchase. For more details, see the following video. is an ecosystem for viewers and references that professionals and companies worldwide can use with support and links through blockchain.
The backdrop of a product or service will demand more than 50% of consumers, if they are unsure of the information provided, which will result in blocking of purchases or cancellations for purchase. For more details, see the following video.
Aspects of current review industry
Reliability of reviews and scores
While the importance of the review industry is undeniable, the most important part — the credibility of the score — is in question.
In May 2016, Yelp, US’s leading restaurant and service review website, issued 59 notice warnings to consumers about businesses paying for better reviews.
Similar to Yelp, reviews on creative-related products such as movies or games on leading rating websites like Metacritic or Rotten Tomatoes are also considered as “Fundamentally Flawed”.
This happens because, in theory, the reviewers should be responsible for making the objective, unbiased and the most accurate reviews possible, but in reality there is currently no evaluation mechanism for the reviewers themselves, so there is no clear connection between the benefits and the quality of the reviews of experts. When the experts do not have the motivation and responsibility doing their job, it is predictable that the quality of expert review would be reduced or influenced by other factors.
Besides, the lack of a transparent communication mechanism between the websites’ offering review system and end users also creates a loophole that allows product or service providers to easily deal with the current rating system manager and thereby change review scores in their favor.
In 2010, Obsidian Entertainment, Inc. Did not receive the bonus because their game Fallout: New Vegas only scored 84 points on Metacritic, while conditions for receiving the bonus is 85 points. The publisher had been accused of consorting with Metacritic to change the score with the purposing of not having to pay the bonus. Although the truthfulness of this 6 story will never be verified, it shows that the shortcoming of current rating systems is the ability to intervene in the review score of corporations and large companies.
This shortcoming leads to the reduction of users’ trust in review results and systems. According to a survey from Pew Research, nearly half of the United States’ surveyed population said they could hardly believe the results of online reviews.
Difficulties in finding and comparing evaluation results
At present, there are many rating systems in different industries. These systems are quite dispersed resulting in difficult for users to search reviews.
For example, there are many rating websites for technological equipment such as phones or laptops. Each of them has its own advantages/disadvantages, making it difficult to find reviews and almost impossible to gain experience from the previous reviewers.
Lack of standard criteria for each subject
One product is usually rated as “Good” or “Not Good”, at the option of users. This is expressed quite clearly on websites providing scale-based rating with a large number of users. Take IMDB (the leading movie database website) as an example, the rating of 10 points or 0 points of movies, which have many viewers, are a lot, especially for controversial films. Or Rotten Tomatoes — the most appreciated review websites, also gives users the choice of either “Rotten” or “Fresh”.
Introducing — community-driven review platform powered by Blockchain Technology
By being implemented on Blockchain technology, will address issues related to transparency and immutability of the score, as well as develop mechanisms to help users and experts earn profits based on system development and the quality of their reviews (via smart contract).
Below are preliminary procedures of the system. Please refer to Section 4 for further technical details and illustrations.
- For Merchants
- For Advertisers
- For Helpers
- For Common Users
- For System Builders on the Lina Platform
LINA Token
The Lina Token (LINA) is the native token of the Lina Platform. It will be ERC-20 token based on Ethereum, a blockchain-based decentralized platform for applications that run exactly as programmed without any chance of fraud, censorship or third-party interference to facilitate online contractual agreements in a cryptographically secure manner.
The total number of LINA token created will be 900,000,000. 33.33% of all LINA tokens (300,000,000) will be available for sale to the public in the LINA Token Generation Event. 66.67% of all LINA tokens (600,000,000) will be locked in Smart Contract to be released annually over 10 years (60,000,000 Token per year).

Token Allocation
33.33% of LINA created during the Token Generation Event (300,000,000 Token) will be allocated to the Public Contributors who contribute BTC/ETH to the project.
66.67% of LINA created during the Token Generation Event (600,000,000 Token) will be locked in Smart Contract to be released annually over 10 years (60,000,000 Token per year). The released Token will be distributed as follow:
- 15% to the Lina Foundation to keep the Lina Platform running.
- 5% will be reserved for future stakeholders.
- 35% to the Helpers.
- 35% to Large Token Holders (those in possession of > 1 million tokens)

Budget Allocation



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By Irfan Muhamad samsul Arif
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